scenes from the 90s, today
exhibition design
explores developments, ideas and stories
from the 1990s and how they resonate in the world today.
the end of the cold war, the AIDS pandemic and increasing globalisation
brought about dramatic changes, also in the art world.
what became of the questions and experiences of those days?
curator: nick Aikens
featuring works from
christine baeumler / act up barcelona / belkis ayón manso /
nadiah bamadhaj / cecilia barriga /miguel benlloch /
CADA / tony cokes / betsy damon / eugenio dittborn /
des diables bleus / diamela eltit / gorgona group /
beth grossman / dai guangyu / félix guattari /
lubaina himid and magda stawarska / julije knifer /
ivan kožarić / li jixiang / chengying liu /
susan pui san lok / lok pui san / miguel d. norambuena /
miguel parra urrutia / olu oguibe / didem pekün /
pejvak /wang peng / nelly Richard /christian rodriguez / CEPSS /
sandra rylvin rinaudo / lotty rosenfeld, / allan sekula /
semsar siahaan / lamnu suri / norbert van onna /
yin xiuzhen / zeng xun
opening 19. November 2022
van abbe museum, eindhoven, NL